About Us

Injustice, frustration, impotence, rage, are some of the feeling that come out from good people because of the actions of some rogue agents  whom are interfering with honest agent businesses, with the unique purpose of taken their commissions away, and by the way, some times causing harm to their clients health when their health plan benefits changed without their knowledge or consent.

Uncertainty in agents for the possibility of not getting paid the expected commission by the actions of this rogue agents is increasing.

CMS has started taken precautions to it; followed by insurance companies, and even the U.S. Judicial branch has taken interest in the issue at hand. As these precautions are a necessity to break the actions of the rogue ones; Bureaucracy has been added in the process for agents to work in order to protect the consumers and yet there is no guarantee these precautions will work under the heavy test of OEP when the time come, but one thing is for sure, the good agents will be the losing side.

It is good that we have now the technology to make it stop and the legality approval of it.

Confirming the validity of the consumer consent, a validity that would hold before a Judge, if needed.

Confirming the review and signing the eligibility application, a confirmation process that would hold before a court of law, if needed.

A Secure electronic Box where the agent can hold those documents as CMS requires.

Now is time to fight back; CMS started taking steps to fight those rogue agents, and so do we, the World Agent Association, the services you see in this website are some of the ways how we fight back to help you protect your commissions from rogue agents, Help you protect your families from rogue agents stealing your book of business, help you to keep the good will of the industry.

Joint us, and help us to help you